blueLead generates models and automatic behavior trends that allow you to create segmented marketing campaigns. Handling all users, in the same way, is not helpful for the business nor for customers. Blueknow has developed blueLead, a SAAS solution, which uses very advanced techniques that allow acquiring information on users behavior during the purchase phase and, blueLead is also able to do RFM segmentation during purchase execution. RFM segmentation allowed L’Occitane to get 25 times more revenue with emails. blueLead is able to retrieve all information regarding customers’ activities (1:1): name, telephone, language, segment, activities (purchases, products, quantities, and dates) and the life cycle of each customer (segment changes).
Main features:
BlueLead is much more than segmentation, it is also immediacy and data connections on all sales channels, both online and offline.- Daily BBDD update (ON and OFF),
- Leads acceptance of the personal data protection regulation and sharing with the acquired leads of what they have accepted – 100% GDPR compliant,
- RFM Segmentation based on purchasing interests: whether the process ends, or customer leave the ecommerce without finalizing a purchase,
- Data connections with MailUp to make email marketing campaigns much more effective,
- Full visibility of the customers’ life cycle.
This description was submitted by the integration’s developer. MailUp lists integrations developed by third parties for customer convenience only. We do not offer any support or guarantee on these products. Please contact the developer for any inquiry.