• CRM in Cloud

    El plugin entre los dos sistemas CRM en Cloud y MailUp permite la sincronización de las listas de distribución creadas […]

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  • Fatture in Cloud

    Gracias a la integración entre MailUp y Fatture in Cloud, puedes crear y automatizar campañas de correo electrónico y SMS […]

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  • Tienda Nube

    Resumen El conector con Tienda Nube permite aprovechar mejor toda la información que se genera en su e-commerce, con el […]

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  • Magento 2

    Para qué sirve Transfiere datos de pedidos y clientes de Magento a MailUp para cada nuevo suscriptor al newsletter en […]

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  • Gravity Forms

    The MailUp for Gravity Forms Add-On gives you an easy way to integrate all of your online forms with the […]

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  • BEE Pro

    BEE Pro is the complete email design suite for creating beautiful emails, fast. With BEE Pro you add hundreds of […]

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  • TeamSystem Commerce

    TeamSystem Commerce es una innovadora plataforma de venta online que también permite distribuir tus productos en cualquier marketplace de Amazon […]

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  • BlueLead

    blueLead generates models and automatic behavior trends that allow you to create segmented marketing campaigns. Handling all users, in the […]

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  • Jforma

    Jforma module allows transferring emails and phone numbers directly from Jforma.it to Mailup. Thanks to this module, you can export […]

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  • Create and promote
    your integrations

    Request a developer account in order to create, develop, and test applications that integrate with MailUp.

  • Getting started with
    the MailUp API

    Learn how to leverage our open APIs to integrate your Web site or application with MailUp.

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